Wednesday 5th May 2021

Today we observed our plants, to see how are seedlings were doing – so far not much! We will continue to observe and measure growth and changes over the coming weeks and months…

We then looked again at the plant life cycle, ensuring that we could confidently identify and use the new vocabulary correctly, such as:

  • germination – when the seed is given all the things it requires to grow, and begins to grow
  • seedling – a small, newly germinated plant
  • adult/flowering plant – a mature plant, often with flowers
  • pollination – when insects, such as bees and butterflies, land on flowers, transferring pollen from flower to flower
  • fruit/seeds – fruit grows after pollination, containing seeds
  • dispersal – when seeds are spread

Finally, we discussed and shared our thoughts on seed dispersal, agreeing that most seeds we see are spread by:

  • animals eating them or getting them caught in their fur (apple seeds, burrs)
  • seeds being blown by the wind (maple helicopters, dandelions)

Next time we will look at some other, more unfamiliar ways seeds can be dispersed, like water and explosions!

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